2023/5/10 下午 12:29:29: nwj0h732
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" role="option" tabindex="0" jslog="80821; track:aLn7Wb">
" role="option" tabindex="-1" jslog="80821; track:aLn7Wb">Все блоги
Все блоги
Blogger Buzz
Blogger Buzz
Добавьте любимые блоги в свой список чтения
Список чтения пуст! Добавьте в него блоги, постоянным читателем которых хотите стать. Подробнее…
Blogger Buzz2 years ago
A better Blogger experience on the webSince 1999, millions of people have expressed themselves on Blogger. From
detailed posts about almost every apple variety you could ever imagine to a
blog dedicated to the art of blogging itself, the ability to easily share,
publish and express oneself on the web is at the core of Blogger’s mission.
As the web constantly evolves, we want to ensure anyone using Blogger has
an easy and intuitive experience publishing their content to the web.
That’s why we’ve been slowly introducing an improved web experience for
Blogger. Give the fresh interface a spin by clicking “Try the New Blog... Читать дальше
Blogger Buzz4 years ago
An update on Google+ and BloggerFollowing the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March
2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on
4 February 2019.
*Google+ widgets:* Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and
“Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All
instances of these widgets will be removed from all blogs.
*+1 buttons:* The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts
and in the navigation bar will be removed.
Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+
features, you may need to update ... Читать дальше
2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on
4 February 2019.
*Google+ widgets:* Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and
“Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All
instances of these widgets will be removed from all blogs.
*+1 buttons:* The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts
and in the navigation bar will be removed.
Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+
features, you may need to update ... Читать дальше
Blogger Buzz4 years ago
It’s spring cleaning time for BloggerTo make room for some exciting updates coming soon to Blogger, we’re
simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of our
Changes to existing features in Blogger *(rolling out over the next few
- *Google+ Integrations:* Throughout the next few months, Blogger will
transform Google+ widget integrations into HTML widgets to give you more
flexibility in how you share and see your followers.
- *OpenID:* Blogger previously allowed users to comment on blogs using
an existing third party OpenID identity provider and has also acted as ...
simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of our
Changes to existing features in Blogger *(rolling out over the next few
- *Google+ Integrations:* Throughout the next few months, Blogger will
transform Google+ widget integrations into HTML widgets to give you more
flexibility in how you share and see your followers.
- *OpenID:* Blogger previously allowed users to comment on blogs using
an existing third party OpenID identity provider and has also acted as ...